The Power of Healing: PrayerMay, 2005, Fiber Postcard
Burnt and melted synthetics and angelina, machine stitching, beading
This card was made for Virginia's Speigel's American Cancer Society Fiberart For a Cause.
It sold in less than twenty four hours. Cool!
The caption on the back read:
Each individual prayer, action, aspiration,
on behalf of another,
connects to make a chain of hope,
penetrating the darkness,
breaking through,
letting life shine through.
It was so nice to participate in the challenge, as so many prayed for me last year;
I know those prayers saved my life.
My thank you to all of you.
You can purchase fiber art from Fiberart For a Cause at:
This posting was updated from the May entry because of renegade comments. Please leave only positive comments.
Just Dance
27 ½” X 24 ¼”
October 30, 2005
While traveling through Pennsylvania, we stopped and walked a section of the old Delaware & Hudson Canal System. As I turned one bend, I came across what looked like two trees dipping their branches down into the water, and, as a pair, they were dancing. My imagination ran wild, as I contemplated these two trees, oblivious to the decaying structures that used to support the canal, just playing in the current and enjoying the moment.
Here is my adaptation of that image in quilt art form. This is my cancer survival piece, as I now ignore the changes that have taken place on and in my body, and enjoy the present.
Just Dance.
Techniques and Materials: Commercial and hand dyed cottons, silks, and synthetics. Raw edge appliqué, paint, thread embroidery, and free motion quilting.
Liberty Still Endures
33 1/2" X 20 1/2"
9/11 one year later. While the memories of smoke, debris and death remain, open borders on the top and right remind us that the darkness is lifting. We have endured. Pentagon shapes quietly mingle among the buildings and boldly maintain the torch of Freedom. The events of 9/11 have only made our military stronger, and their protection, seen and unseen, is everywhere America needs them. Liberty's torch shines beyond the borders, illustrating that, as terrorism knows no borders, neither does Freedom. One year later, Liberty Still Endures.
Ann Flaherty November 27, 2002
Four years later, these words still invoke strong emotion for me, for I truly believe that we are and have made progress against terrorism, that all those lives lost were not in vain. Please join me in remembering all who suffered as a result of the attacks of September 11th, and pray that we all find our way beyond the pain of that day to a stronger, unified United States of America.
Liberty Still Endures was the third in my Liberty Endures Series, and made in response to an invitation from "El 11 de setiembre a través del Quilt", an exhibit coordinated by Carolyn Veshlage and Carolyn Underwood and sponsored by the US Embassy in Costa Rica. I am still proud of my participation in this project. This quilt, and all the quilts of the exhibit, continue to cause an emotional reaction for me. You can view the entire exhibit at:
September 11, 2005
Hollyhocks II
Ring Garden Collection
27 X 25"
Photo-transfer, thread painting, machine couching/quilting
Still in process, this quilt needs something. The quilt is '3-D', where the blossom will be stitched down in the center, allowing the pink to fall forward. It's just pinned right now.
The stem and leaves were quilted to batting, and then added to the quilt top.
The yarn was couched with the machine quilting. It just needs something...I started this quilt a year ago, and picked it back up last week.
Below is the first piece I made based on photos from the Ring Garden, 'Hollyhocks I'. You can see the 3-D effect better on this one.
This quilt was in the PAQA-South Fabrications show, and then gifted to my dear friend and A-1 nurse, Jan Ring. When I was so ill last winter, she flew down from Boston to care for me, and turned me around when other caregivers seemed to be at a loss. I thank God for a husband who had the sense to call the right person, and dear friends like Jan Ring.
Organics Matter
11.5 X 30"
July, 2005
The first of the "Not Just Grey Matter" series, "organics matter" utilizes the Photoshop woodcut technique to print on fabric.
I chose soft colored fabrics with leaf impressions for the printing, and spiral infinity beads in the center of each brain.
A few years back, I heard a lecture on progressive medicine. The presenter spoke of the small empty space in the center of our brains. Medical Imaging techniques have the ability to catch the electrical conversation that goes on in this space, causing some in the realm of medicine to wonder if this is the soul.
While I have no idea whether our souls are visible or not, let alone the ability to cacth them on film, I applaud medicine's acknowledgement that we all have one.
Little scarlet drops and 'coiled' beads that remind me of what DNA might look like are scattered throughout.
We are more than a body that blindly gets through the day. We are all organic parts of the universe, always growing, whether we choose to acknowledge that fact, or not.
"Organics Matter" will be part of the INDELIBLE SPIRIT traveling exhibit curated by Annie Copeland. For more information, please see:
Imagination Matters
18" X 18"
July, 2005
The second in my series Not Just Grey Matter, Imagination Matters is my rendition of creativity. It is a likeness of my brain, taken from a recent MRI. I'm not just a patient on the table, waiting to learn about changes in my condition, but a creative soul who just loves to have fun.
With so many ideas waiting to hatch, how can a machine possibly pick up all that is going on in there?